I am planning to complete my university in Spring Semester of 2017, which was started in 2012, with graduation candidate schoolfellows whom I would like to be one of their representatives. I have completed the Finance Minor Program along with being a senior student at the Industrial Engineering Department.
As time goes by, we find ourselves in the graduation process that we dream of in the first years of our university life and do not want to come as we near the end. I would like to be a part of the Graduation Committee, which will make a great sense for me to be involved as a witness to this process. In this context, I aim to do what is best for the organizations that are in charge of the committee on behalf of graduate candidates and will live once in our lives, so that they can be remembered best when looked back. In particular, I would like to emphasize that it is one of my priorities to attach importance to the ideas of everyone involved in this process. I promise that, in the period when our life will continue as Sabanci University Alumni, I will show the same self-abnegation in order to maintain the necessary communication and strengthen the bonds established.
I believe that, as being someone who is interested in and has experienced the tasks for which are obliged to do in the Graduation Class Committee, and has a structure that is aware of my responsibilities, I will contribute to this process most efficiently.
I hope the result will be the best for the entire 2017 Graduation Class.
Lastly, I wish all the best and good chance of life for us.
Best Regards,
Nurten Kilit
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