Business Analytics for Professionals Program Information Session

The purpose of the Business Analytics for Professionals program is to train professionals who can meet the needs of private sector and public institutions and organizations to understand their business performance in competitive conditions and to develop new strategies based on data and analytical approaches. Business Analytics related professions are becoming the most needed professions in the world. It is aimed that the graduates of this program will play a more effective role in decision-making and strategy determination for the future of institutions and organizations. Sabancı University Business Analytics for Professionals program aims to equip students with the knowledge of real-world applications that will shape how to look at data critically, interpret and visualize and apply data, and how to handle business challenges in the 21st century.
Date & Time: July 17 2024, Wednesday 19:00
Speaker: Enes Eryarsoy, PBAN Program Director
Our information session will be held on Zoom webinar. For registration, please click.
For more information:
Phone: 0 (216) 483 96 47