Cyber Security Program Information Session

Cyber Security Non-Thesis Master's Degree Program Information Session
Sabancı University cybersecurity master program for professionals is specifically designed for individuals, who would like to advance their theoretical background, applied knowledge and skill sets in relevant areas, and thus plan a career in the field of cybersecurity. Program, with academic staff that are globally known for their pioneering research in relevant areas of cybersecurity, with instructors from the field or with field experience and in close collaboration with the sector, provides an infrastructure and a unique program to meet the challenges in the cyber security field.
Information session will be held via online. For registration, please click.
Date and Time: March 12th, 2024 Tuesday 20:00
Speaker: Orçun Çetin, CYSEC Program Director
Guest Alumnus: Tuncay Arslan, CYSEC 2022, QNB Finansbank - Cybersecurity Operation Center, Team Lead
Contact Information:
Tel: 0 (216) 483 9982